Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does achievement increase...

Well, it is settled. I have decided that my research project will answer the question... Does achievement increase in Gifted and Talented students when their time in gifted and talented services increase? I am looking forward to completing this project this year.
At the board meeting Monday night a busing proposal was approved for the gifted students in our district to come to one campus for services. We will have the students divided by grade level on different days of the week. This will allow my partner and myself to increase service time from 90-120 minutes to nearly 4 and a half hours of services. This will give our team and our district the information they need to know if the changes in our program were positive or negative and help us to develop the next steps in become a program of excellence.

1 comment:

  1. That is terrific! I know in Corpus Christi when I was growing up, they had one elementary and one middle school campus designated for GT. I refused to attend the middle school, but my younger brother attended through elementary and it made a big difference. He chose to attend our neighborhood middle school as well and did very well.
